09. June 2022

Symposium Microfluencers Symposium Microfluencers - From small organisms to global impact

From small organisms to global impact

Our institute turns 50 this year! An ideal occasion to celebrate microbiological research with a scientific symposium on June 9th 2022!

Symposium Microfluencers
Symposium Microfluencers © Ulrike Endesfelder
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Our institute turns 50 this year! An ideal occasion to celebrate microbiological research with a scientific symposium themed "Microfluencers: from small organisms to global impact" on June 9th 2022.

What to expect? Our interdisciplinary speakers from biology and physics will shed light on various important aspects of how microbial influencers shape our world. How can we address global problems such as climate change and antibiotic resistance or worldwide challenges such as global health and nutrition? The talks are tailored to an interdisciplinary audience and start at a lay scientific level and end with the latest results for experts.

Who should come? Are you interested in microbial cell biology, host-microbe interactions and molecular mechanisms? Maybe you also wonder how biophysical approaches and new methods can support (micro)biological research questions? We invite everyone - from students to experienced researchers - to join us! Moreover, you are encouraged to actively participate and bring a poster with your own latest research results. We will hold two poster sessions to discuss all work and ideas and to initiate new thoughts and visions. We believe that there are many, "neighboring” researchers here in the ABC region who share common interests and research ideas.

Networking evening At the end of our symposium, we will celebrate Prof. Erwin Galinski, our former director who recently retired, and invite everyone to a festive and lively networking evening with drinks and snacks!

More details can be found on our Microfluencers website.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of TRA Modelling.

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